Gaming Therapy


I haven’t been posting lately due to three things. One, I got a lot going on in my life. Two, I’m lazy. Three, I’m pretty depressed. Each one kinda ties in to one another to make a big blob of nothing. With so much going on, I get lazy and become depressed. When I’m lazy, I think of all the things I could do and get depressed. When I get depressed, I’m lazy and get nothing done. Kinda like an endless circle.

Recently, I’ve had depression spikes that appear randomly, and I don’t think it’s serious enough for me to go to a doctor. So I find methods to cope. And if you haven’t figured it out yet, I have  discovered my method to cope.

Escaping through gaming.

Apparently, this is called escapism. Other people may do various activities, like watching TV, reading books, etc. It’s to replace reality and worldly problems with a temporary environment as a method to cope.

I notice that whenever I get behind the controllers of my friend’s X-Box One or the keyboard of my computer, all my troubles and pressures of the world melt away.

While I’m trying to survive the zombie apocalypse with my friends online, I don’t think about schoolwork. When I’m providing my teammates with sniper support as they take  an objective, I’m not think about her or the troubles I’m having with her. During the time I’m building up an army to conquer the overbearing people in the city, I’m not worried about the future.

When I’m gaming, nothing matters but completing my goal.

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